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Some photos of my wonderful family

My Wedding Day
Standing from left to right are my Mom, my brother (Russell), me, and my Dad
My Sister's Family
My sister, Roz with her husband Tom and their daughter Jackie. Roz left us to be with Jesus in 1993. I love you Rozzie, I miss you. See you soon.
Russ & Char
My brother and his wife Charlene
Jan & The Twins
My sister-in-law and my twin nieces Kelly and Kim

My Punk Nieces
Actually, I have 5 punk nieces but Kaitlin was just born in December and I don't have any pictures of her. From left to right are Punk # 3, Punk # 4, Punk # 2, and Punk # 1
Sharla's Family
My wife Sharla's brother (Timmah(!)), Dad (Charles), Mom (Chris), Sharla and me
Russ & Me
My brother getting in the way while I run the video camera
Timmah(!) & Me
"I told you a hundred times, 'NO BEER!,"
After thrashing him I found out it was only root-beer. Sorry Timmah(!), I hope 6 months in traction wasn't as bad as it sounds.

Pirate's Cove
Things got real wild at mini-golf, people were getting thrown all over the place, obstacles on the course were being demolished, golf clubs were being bent over people's heads. Finally, though, they restrained Sharla. I got in trouble just for being with her.

Bde Bde Bde Baron
Have you ever seen those little rubber toys that look like half a ball? The idea behind them is to turn them inside-out, set them on a flat surface and wait. Eventually they'll pop straight up in the air. Anyway, I had an over-sized version of one, and the Baron proceeded to stick it to his head like a suction cup. He left it on for about 45 minutes only taking it off because he began to feel faint. The end result was this giant purple spot that remained on his cranium for about a week. What a snow-dork!


Living right is good, but it won't make you a Christian. Sitting in church on Sunday morning won't make you a Christian any more than sitting in your garage will make you an automobile.
- Kenneth Hagin